Maharashtra Chapter Oath taking Ceremony program was held on 15th December 2019 at Swojus Palace, Pune. Shri Sayaji Shinde, Actor and Nature lover graced the ceremony as the Chief Guest. During oath ceremony function Shri Y.P Singh, President, Indian Nurserymen Association, Shri Somnath Ghule, Vice President, INA, Shri Laxmipati, Joint Secretary, INA, Shri Vijay Shinde, Member, INA & President, INA, Maharahra Chapter graced the Oath taking ceremony on the Dais. Smt. RatnaDahivelkar welcomed all the dignitaries, nurserymen and all guests. Mr.Vijay Shinde, gave the welcome speech, in which he emphasized upon the growing plant nursery industry inspite of some challenges and bottle necks being realized at functional and corporate level although he strongly enforced it to be more strongly being taken with the Maharashtra chapter. Shri Sachin Brahmankar highlighted the future role of INA in Maharashtra Chapter in his speech wherein he explained about the upcoming activities to be conducted by Chapter during this tenure. Lastly, Shri Y.P. Singh, INA President felicitated Shri Sayaji Shinde with shawl and presented him a combo of Native tree saplings. Shri Y.P. Singh and Shri Somnath Ghule were felicitated by Chief Guest Shri Sayaji Shinde.